The Law of Attraction. The pineal gland and third eye. The quantum brain.
There is no shortage of content out there claiming to explain how to manifest reality. From the spiritual to the pseudo-scientific, post after post, video after video, they all proclaim - and pander - the “way” to manifest reality.
Get rich! Find that girlfriend or wife!
You know, when I first encountered this concept a decade ago, I actually bought into it. I recall the first time I read Rondha Byrne’s “The Secret” and became infatuated with the law of attraction. I mean, it all kind of made sense, and it wasn’t like I had to spend a lot of money to try it out - I just needed to follow the instructions and “feel” the future success and bring it back to the present.
Well, I didn’t become a billionaire. I thought the issue was with me, and that I wasn’t manifesting correctly. That’s when I started searching for other variations, leading all the way to the pseudo-scientific realm. Quantum entanglement and manifestation anyone?
Unsurprisingly, I’m still here and I’m still not a billionaire. But then again, if this stuff really worked, there’d be a whole lot more billionaires in this world.
Where are they?
Then, I actually found a way that worked for me. In fact, it was something I had been doing since I was kid so it wasn’t like a new discovery, but rather, a revelation of something within myself. And you know what, now that think about it, it is a form of manifesting reality.
At this point, I won’t fault you for clicking away right here. As I mentioned above, there’s no shortage of shills out there pandering the way to manifest yourself to success. But if you’re interested in actual results that don’t have to do with “trust me bro” logic, read on.
If you’re still reading this, then you my friend have embarked on a journey that may change your life. The first thing we must do is define what manifesting reality actually is.
Let’s start with what it is not. We are not talking about figuring out the winning lottery ticket number, or making the number you bought become the winning number. Nor are we talking about breaking the laws of physics and suddenly being able to dunk a basketball or having the woman or man of your dreams materialize in front of your door the next day.
Instead, manifesting is about altering the way we render reality around us. We live in a simulation - a universe constructed based on a set of rules that we have understood just a tiny smidgen about. Through our bodies and senses, reams of information is constantly fed to our brain which has the capacity to “spin up” or “render” a version of what we call reality.
This reality, which combines realtime input from the simulation, memories from past experiences, and our thoughts is controlled by our conscious and subconscious minds with awareness separating the two from each other.
Put simply, we actually have the ability to alter or manipulate the way we render reality through our conscious and subconscious capacities. We know this because we see how different people have different perspectives even when presented with the same situation in the simulation.
Now I despise fake-it-till-you-make-it, especially after the “tech bros” bastardized it out in Silicon Valley. However, there is one case where I do believe in it: the case when it comes to your mind. You see, if your brain is grey matter, then much like dough, you have the ability to mold the reality that it spins up. Faking your mind that you’ve made it before making it unlocks tools that enable you to alter the reality your are rendering.
The first of three tools to unlock is also the most important one: vision. When you have defined a goal that you want to achieve - and it needs to be a tangible goal that requires a path of work and dedication - you need to live and breathe it. That means, you need to be consumed by it. It should be the first thing you think about when you wake up, the last thing you think about right before you go to sleep, and everything in between. This is how you force your mind into altering the way it renders reality.
If you understand what cognitive dissonances are, then you will know that confirmation bias is one of the most common among the dissonances. It is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed. Typically, this is viewed as a negative tendency that people should try and overcome. However, in the specific case of manifesting reality, it is actually a powerful tool because it strengthens your ability to be hyper-focused on your goal.
You will realize that the more focused you get, your vision begins to change. I’m not only talking about optical vision - when I say vision, I’m referring to the ability to connect the dots. Your ability to see new opportunities and strategies will multiply your resourcefulness and creativity towards achieving your goal. Rather than being short-sighted, which is a negative outcome of confirmation bias, you will see things that were not visible to you before. Things that go beyond material objects around you, such as events that occurred in the past. Suddenly, you will be able to see - what was once hidden in plain sight will be shining in front of you.
Having this vision is the first and most critical step as it begins to unfold a map towards the destination that you are trying to get to. Much like teeing off a shot in golf, every degree in direction matters because of the distance traveled. You must obtain this vision before you embark or you might be shooting in the dark.
If you’re interested in learning more about the rest of the process to manifest reality, check out this week’s episode where I discuss it in more detail and share some life stories on what I’ve been able to accomplish using the method:
Remember, reality is what our minds spin up and thus by definition, something that our minds can alter. The good news is, we don’t need to take mind-altering drugs to escape from reality. Instead, we can shape our own reality by owning our thoughts and being in control, and not the other way around.
Happy manifesting!