A Divided Mind is a Tormented Mind
People hover between life and death, aware of both, but not experiencing either in fullness.
They meander between the light of knowledge, and the darkness of ignorance. They are not sure what they are - are they a spiritual being? Or simply a physical being? They are not sure where they came from - did they come from a spiritual world? Or are they merely the result of cells randomly combining with each other to become embryos?
The result of this is a divided mind because they are torn between the two. First they go in one direction and inflict harm to others, and then they go the other way, leading to torment as they realize what they have done.
Our journey seemingly begins the moment we are conceived and then born into the physical world. While our bodies continue to grow after birth, it is really our mind that undergoes exponential change as we develop cognitive abilities and memory recall.
Inevitably, we reach a point in our development where we begin to wonder if there is anything more than our physical existence. The adoption of religion by the masses is a testament to this: it is a solution to the problem, and without billions of people struggling with this dilemma, it would be a solution with no problem to solve.
Perhaps this dilemma is an expected outcome given the astoundingly advanced level of cognitive abilities we have compared to any other organism on this planet. There are many animals that have larger brains, more folds and brain surface area, and even similar or larger brain to body mass ratios. Last I checked, none of them have created quantum computers, artificial intelligence, micro black holes, or machines that have landed on alien planets.
There is no shortage of explanations for our intelligence. Most are creative evolutionary and natural selection theories, and include the wielding of fire as the seminal point in which humans separated themselves from the rest. As the theory goes, fire enabled us to cook food, which increased our caloric intake dramatically since cooked food has higher caloric energy content. The extra energy enabled us to grow our brain (the body’s highest energy consuming organ) to the point that we have a high brain to body mass ratio.
However, if you go down the rabbit hole and read the research as I have, you will quickly realize it is cacophonous. The truth is that we really don’t know why our level of intelligence is drastically different. And that’s a problem.
You see, Nature doesn’t operate this way. The gap between #1 and #2, 3 and so on is never astronomical. This is the case in any measure you can conjure up: speed, height, length, weight, and so on. There’s #1… and not too far behind is #2. This is the case from Lions and Tigers in the feline species, to Red Giant Stars tucked far far away in other galaxies.
Except in the case of intelligence in humans.
What this means is that we have the potential to experience reality in an elevated way. An ant’s reality is orders or magnitudes simpler than a dolphin’s fidelity of reality.
Furthermore, it is unlikely that human adults have achieved the highest fidelity possible to manifest reality. Why would the scale abruptly end with us? Surely there are higher states, and we are simply limited - to some degree by our physiological bodies.
Astonishingly, the answer lies within us. For example, if we compare our version of reality when we were teenagers to our adult lives, well, there is no comparison. We were worried about being cool back then (ok, I hope must of us have grown out of that as adults). What changed? Are we really that much smarter in our adulthood? What happened to peak intelligence earlier in our lives?
The answer is knowledge and wisdom. Like the hot fire underneath the wok and the chef’s masterful combination of ingredients and technique, these two components alter the information coming into our minds from our bodily receptors, and “cook” them in a way to unleash umami - an elevated flavor and taste that didn’t exist beforehand.
This is exactly what FoFty hopes to foster amongst its followers. An ability to elevate the fidelity of rendering reality, to operate at a higher frequency, and to strive in the search for an escape threshold where the rendering of reality goes beyond our physiological bodies in the material world.
That is not a religion.
That, is what FoFty defines as spirituality.
Stay bright, keep shining, and see you at the next Substack article.
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